[x_section style=”margin: 0px 0px 0px 22px; padding: 45px 0px 45px 0px; “][x_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” bg_color=”” style=”margin: 0px auto 0px auto; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; “][x_column bg_color=”” type=”1/1″ fade=”true” fade_animation=”in-from-top” fade_animation_offset=”45px” style=”padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; “][x_custom_headline level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”false” class=” “]Theological Writings[/x_custom_headline][/x_column][/x_row][x_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”true” bg_color=”” style=”margin: 0px auto 0px auto; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; “][x_column bg_color=”” type=”1/2″ style=”padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; “][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title=”ARTICLES, ESSAYS & PAPERS” open=”false”]
- “A Fundamentalist Social Gospel?,” Christian Century, 11/28/79, XCVI # 39
- “Homiletical Hermeneutics in Paul Tillich,” Drew Gateway, Fall 79, 50 # 1
- “Author’s Response: Wielding the ‘Prophetic Ramrod’,” Christian Century, 3/5/80 XCVII #8
- “Punished in Paradise (An Exegetical Theory on 2 Corinthians12:1-10),” Jrnl for the Study of the NT # 7, 1980
- “Devil’s Advocates: The New Charismatic Demonology,” Agora, Spring 80
- “Paradigm-Shifting and the Apologetics Debate,” Jrnl of the American Scientific Affiliation, 6/80, 32 # 2
- “The Return of the Navel, The ‘Omphalos’ Argument in Contemporary Creationism,” Creation/Evolution, Fall 80, # 11
- “What’s New in Christianity?,” Drew Gateway, Fall 80, 51 # 1
- “The Centrality and Scope of Conversion,” Jrnl of Psychology and Theology, Spring 81, 9 # 1
- “Charis-Magic: Super-Apostles and the Retreat from Religion to Sorcery,” Agora, Spring 81
- “In Defense of the Miraculous: A Clarification,” Jrnl of Psychology and Theology, Summer 81, 9 # 2
- “The Personal Savior: Reclaiming the Language of Piety,” Reformed Jrnl, 8/81, 31 # 8
- “Counseling for Re-Entry,” NICM Jrnl, Fall 81, 6 # 3
- “Numbered Among the Transgressors, The ‘Zealot Hypothesis’ Reconsidered,” Drew Gateway, Fall 81, 51 # 1
- “Niebuhr’s Doctrine of Revelation in Contemporary Theology,” Themelios 9/81, 7 #1
- “Evangelism as Entertainment,” Christian Century, 11/4/81, 98, # 35
- “Some Difficulties in Process Christology,” Crux, 12/81, XVII # 4
- “Must We Take a Leap of Faith? (Have We Already?),” American Rationalist, 3-4/82 XXVI #6
- “Trick or Treat Kingdom” Free Advice # 1(May-June 1982), pp. 4-7
- “Evangelicals and their Separated Brethren,” New Conversations, Spr. 82, 6 # 3
- “Old-Time Religion and the New Physics,” Creation/Evolution, Summer 82. # IX
- “Risen Indeed? Three Views of the Resurrection,” Drew Gateway, Fall 82, 53 #1
- “Neither Gay Nor Straight: Biblical Christianity,” Frying Pan, 12/82
- “Scientific Creationism and the Science of Creative Intelligence,” Creation/Evolution, Winter 82, # VII
- “Teaching the Bible on a Tightrope: The Secular Classroom,” UME Connexion, Spring 83, 11 # 1
- “Inerrant the Wind: The Troubled House of North American Evangelicalism,” Evangelical Quarterly, 7/83, LV # 3
- “Masochism and Piety,” Jrnl of Religion & Health, Summer 83, 22 # 2
- “An Evangelical Version of the ‘Double Covenant’: New Possibilities for Jewish-Fundamentalist Dialogue,” Jrnl of Ecumenical Studies, Win. 83, 20 #1
- “Evangelism for Young Evangelicals,” Religion & Intellectual Life, Fall 84, II #1
- “Creationist and Fundamentalist Apologetics: Two Branches of the Same Tree,” Creation/Evolution, Fall 84, # XIV
- “Round Two?,” Circuit Rider, 11-12/84, 8 # 10
- “Inerrancy: The New Catholicism?,” SBC Today, 8-9/86, 4 # 5
- “Neo-Evangelicals and Scripture, A Forgotten Period of Ferment,” Christian Scholar’s Review, XV # 4, 1986
- “Born-Again Cults, The Mental Maze of Salvation,” American Rationalist, 9-10/86, XXXI # 3
- “Vintage Fundamentalism,” Wittenburg Door, 10-11/86
- “Illness Theodicies in the New Testament,” Jrnl of Religion & Health, Winter 86
- “The Theological Assumptions of Open-Mindedness,” Religious Humanism, Fall 87
- “Half a Loaf: The LARC Study Day on the Eucharist,” Cross Current of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, 11/87
- “Enacted Theology,” Cross Current of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, 2-3/88
- “A Priestly People, Some Basics of Liturgical Theology,” Cross Current of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, 4/88
- “Clark H. Pinnock: Conservative and Contemporary,” Evangelical Quarterly, 4/88, LXXXVIII # 2
- “Evangelistic Opportunities Abound,” Cross Current of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, 5-6/88
- “Homosexuality in the Old Testament / Homosexuality in the New Testament,” Cross Current of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, 8/88
- “Major Theological Issues Before the Great War,” Mount Olive Review, Spring 88.
- “Is it a Sin to Preach the Gospel?,” Voices in the Wilderness, 3-4/89
- “The Sitz-im-Leben of Third John: A New Reconstruction,” Evangelical Quarterly, LXI # 2, 4/89
- “The Metaphysics of Murphy’s Law,” Skeptical Inquirer, 14 # 1, Fall 89
- “Jesus’ Burial in a Garden: The Strange Growth of the Tradition,” Religious Traditions, 12, 1989
- “Schleiermacher as Historian and Believer,” Unitarian Universalist Christian, Fall/Winter 89, 44 # 3-4
- “Suffering Not Witches (Why Evangelical Christians Oppose the Occult),” Christian*New Age Quarterly, 10-12/89
- “The Way, the Truth, and the Life,” Christian*New Age Quarterly, 4-6/90
- “Mary Magdalene: Gnostic Apostle?,” Grail: An Ecumenical Journal, 6/90, 6 # 2
- “Confirmation and Charisma,” Saint Luke’s Journal of Theology, 6/90, XXXIII # 3
- “How Much New Age Belief Can Christianity Assimilate?,” Christian*New Age Quarterly, 10-12/90
- “Is There a Place for Historical Criticism?” Religious Studies, 27, 1991
- “Corn King Christianity,” Christian*New Age Quarterly, 4-6/91
- “Excerpts from the Politically Correct Revised Standard Version,” The Door, 9-10/91
- “Intro(se)duction,” Introduction to Donald R. Burleson, Begging to Differ: Deconstructionist Readings (Bristol, RI: Hobgoblin Press, 1992)
- “The Christ Myth and the Christian Goddess,” Christian*New Age Quarterly, 10-12/92
- “The New PCSV: Excerpts from the Politically Correct Standard Version,” On Being, 5/93
- “Fields Unknown: A Thought-Experiment in Extraterrestrial Evangelism,” Christian *New Age Quarterly, 7-9/93
- “In the Beginning Was the Deed: A Neo-Girardian Look at the Passion Narrative,” Foundations & Facets Forum, Volume 9, # 3-4, 9-12/93
- “The Bible, Corrected,” First Things, 1/94, # 39, pp. 12-13
- “The Bible, Corrected” Theological Digest & Outlook Vol. 9, # 1 (Jan, 1994), 3-4
- “Iron John the Baptist,” Christian*New Age Quarterly, 7-9/94
- “Apocryphal Apparitions: 1 Corinthians 15:3-11 as a Post-Pauline Interpolation,” Journal of Higher Criticism, Fall 95, 2 # 2
- “Yardstick for Lunatics: One Point of View,” The Door 9-10/95, pp. 19-21
- “From the Religious to the Spiritual,” Christian*New Age Quarterly, 7-9/96
- “If You Dislike Christianity, You’ll Hate Buddhism!” Christian*New Age Quarterly, 10-12/96
- “If You Dislike Christianity, You’ll Hate Buddhism!” Deolog, Vol. III, 12, 11/96
- “Antichrist Superstar and the Paperback Apocalypse,” Deolog, Vol. IV, 1, Jan/Feb 97
- “Protestant Hermeneutical Axiomatics: A Deconstruction,” Christian*New Age Quarterly 4-6/97
- “The Long Road from Fundamentalism to Humanism,” The Record May 29, 1997
- “Postmodern Unitarian Universalism” Religious Humanism XXXI, # 1&2, winter/spring 1997
- “The Evolution of the Pauline Canon,” Hervormde Teologiese Studies Fall 1997
- “Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Gate,” Christian*New Age Quarterly 10-12/97
- “From Fundamentalist to Humanist” Religious Humanism XXXI, # 3&4, sum/fall 97.
- “Contextualization as Incarnation,” Journal of Unification Studies, Vol. 1, # 1, 1997
- “Get a Life!” Both Sides Now # 33 (October, 1997), pp. 9-10
- “Implied Reader Response and the Evolution of Genres: Transitional Stages Between the Ancient Novels and the Apocryphal Acts,” Hervormde Teologiese Studies Vol. 53 # 4, November,1997.
- “The Problem of the Canon and New Revelation,” Christian*New Age Quarterly 1-3/98.
- “Kosher Pigs and Jews for Jesus” Cups: The Cafe Culture Magazine # 87, 1-2/98
- “The Bible, Corrected” The Door (# 160, Sept/Oct. 1998)
- “Saint John’s Apothecary: Differance, Textuality, and the Advent of Meaning,” in Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches (6/1) 1998
- “Messiah as Mishnah: The Problem of the Jesus-Attributed Saying” Approaches to Ancient Judaism New Series. Vol. 13 (Scholars Press, 1998)
- “The Legend of Paul’s Conversion,” Jrnl for the Critical Study of Religion (3/1) Fall/Winter 1998
- “Neelix Agonistes” Christian*New Age Quarterly 7-9/98.
- “There’s a Mess in Here, But No Messiah,” Christian*New Age Quarterly 10-12/98
- “Amorous Archons in Eden and Corinth,” Jrnl of Unification Studies (II) 1998
- “The Jesus Seminar: Historians or Believers?” Free Inquiry Winter 98/99
- “Enlightenment and Entertainment” Christian*New Age Quarterly (11/2) 4-6/99
- “Tabloid Testament: Gospel Discoveries in the Supermarket Aisle” The Fourth R (12/3) May-June 1999
- “Ten Politically Correct Commandments for the Year 2000” The Door (# 166, Sept/Oct. 1999)
- “Of Myth and Men: A Closer Look at the Originators of the Major Religions – What Did They Really Say and Do?” Free Inquiry (20/1) Winter 1999-2000
- “Third Eye in the Back of Your Head” Christian*New Age Quarterly (11/4) 10-12/99
- “The Garden of Good and Evil” Family Matters (2/3) Fall, 1999, p. 1-2
- “The Boogeyman” Family Matters (2/4) Winter 1999/2000, p 1
- “Dynamics of Messianism,” Jrnl of Unification Studies (III) 1999-2000
- “Jesus and the Easter Bunny” Family Matters (3/1) Spring, 2000, pp. 1-2
- “Two Grooms?” Pique (June, 2000), pp. 6-7
- “Sacred History in a Secular Classroom” Family Matters (3/2) Summer, 2000, pp. 1, 3
- “Truth and Dogma” Free Inquiry (20/3) Summer 2000
- “Kosher Pigs and Jews for Jesus” (with restored text) Secular Nation (5/4) Oct-Dec, 2000, pp. 6-9
- “Superhumanism” Family Matters (3/4) Winter 2000/01, pp. 1, 12
- “Religion as Fandom” Free Inquiry (21/1) Winter 2000/01
- “The Circle of Life” Family Matters (4/1) Spring 2001, p. 3
- “Errors of the Elohist: An Appreciation of Ingersoll’s Some Mistakes of Moses” Free Inquiry (21/2) Spring 2001
- “The Psychology of Biblicism” The Humanist, Spring 2001
- “Hitler as Kalki” Christian*New Age Quarterly (13/2) April-June 2001
- “Jesus in Tibet: A Modern Myth” The Fourth R (14/3) May-June 2001
- “Would the Apostles Die for a Lie?” Free Inquiry (21/4) Fall 2001
- “Joseph Smith, Inspired Author of the Book of Mormon” in Dan Vogel & Brent Metcalfe (eds.), American Apocrypha: Essays on the Book of Mormon. Signature Books (2002)
- “Kosher Pigs and Jews for Jesus” in National Jewish Post & Opinion Feb. 6, 2002
- “Paulus Absconditus: Paul versus John in Ephesian Tradition” Forum. New Series 5/1, Spring 2002
- “Religious and Secular Humanism: What’s the Difference?” Free Inquiry (22/3) Summer 2002
- “Tillich on the Historical Jesus and Christian Faith,” No. Amer. P. Tillich Soc Newsletter (XXVIII/4) Fall 2002
- “Eisenman’s Gospel of James the Just” in Jacob Neusner and Bruce Chilton (eds.), The Brother of Jesus (Westminster/John Knox Press, 2002)
- “Sheep in Wolves’ Clothing” Secular Nation (7/4) Oct.-Dec. 2002
- “Diaspora Judaism, Christianity and Roman Crisis” in Review of Rabbinic Judaism (V/3) Oct. 2002
- “Prophecy and Palimpsest” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought (35/3) Fall 2002
- “Truth and Dogma” rpt. in Neusner, ed., Faith, Truth, and Freedom (Global Publications: Binghamton U., 2002)
- “Jesus in Smallville: The Myths of Jesus’ Childhood” Free Inquiry (23/2) Spring 2003
- “The Future of Religion” The Fourth R (16/1) Jan-Feb 2003
- “The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible: a Critique” The Fourth R (16/3) May-June 03
- “Is the Bible Mein Kampf?” Secular Nation (8/3) 3rd Quarter 2003
- “An Odd Crop of Agnostics” Free Inquiry (23/4) Oct/Nov 2003
- Was Jesus the Son of the Priest Zacharias?” Journal of Unification Studies (V) 2003
- “Acts of the Apostates” Christian*New Age Quarterly (16/1) 1-3/04
- “Fancy Meeting Rand Here” Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (5/1) Fall 2003
- Joseph Smith in the Book of Mormon” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought (36/4) Winter 2003
- “Suspension of Disbelief” The Fourth R (16/6), Nov.-Dec. 2003
- “On Having your Head up your Assumptions” Free Inquiry (24/1) Dec. 2003/Jan. 2004
- “Concepts of Humanism: A Theological Classification, Part 1” Secular Nation (9/1), 1st quarter 2004
- “Concepts of Humanism: A Theological Classification, Part 2” Secular Nation (9/3), 3rd quarter 2004
- “Antioch’s Aftershocks: Rereading Galatians and Matthew after Saldarini” When Judaism and Christianity Began. Essays in Memory of Anthony J. Saldarini. Vol. One: Christianity in the Beginning. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 85 (Brill, 2004), 231-250.
- “Sweet Brother of God” Free Inquiry website January 2004
- “The Da Vinci Fraud” Fourth R 17/1, Jan-Feb 2004
- “Iron John the Baptist” The Fourth R 17/4 July-August 2004
- “In the Volume of the Book” The Fourth R 17/5 September-October 2004
- “Rhoda and Penelope: Two More Cases of Luke’s Suppression of Women” in Amy-Jill Lavine (ed.) A Feminist Companion to Luke-Acts (Sheffield Acad. Press, 2004)
- “Second Thoughts on the Secret Gospel” Bulletin of Biblical Research (14/1 Spring 2004)
- “The Grand Inquisitor Takes the Throne” Free Inquiry (25/4) June/July 2005
- “Tillich on the Plurality of World Religions” Bulletin of the North American Paul Tillich Society Newsletter (XXX/4, Fall 2004)
- “With Friends like these…? Jews and their Christian Right Allies” National Jewish Post & Opinion 1 / 4, October 13, 2004
- “Bultmannism and Buddhism” Christian*New Age Quarterly 16/4, Oct-Dec 2004
- “The Marginality of the Cross” Journal of Unification Studies (VI) 2004-2005
- “Night of the Living Savior” Secular Nation (10/2) 2nd Qtr., 2005
- “The Future Disguises Itself as the Past: The Origin of the Resurrection” Secular Nation (10/3) 3rd Qtr., 2005
- “Seeking for Signs” Christian*New Age Quarterly (17/4) Oct. 2005-July 06
- “Judas Gets his Say” Secular Nation (11/2) 2nd Qtr., 2006
- “A Unificationist Gospel” Journal of Unification Studies (VII) 2006
- “The Purloined Kingdom” The Fourth R (19/5) Sept-Oct 2006
- “The Da Vinci Debate” Secular Nation (11/3) 3rd Quarter, 2006
- “Back in the Womb” Christian*New Age Quarterly (18/1) August 2006-April 2007
- “Towards a Humanist Doctrine of the Just War” Secular Nation (11/4) 4th Quarter, 2006
- “A Crowded But Empty Tomb” The Humanist (67/3) May/June 2007
- “Can We Still Teach Biblical Moral Values?” In Robert J. Miller, ed., The Future of the Christian Tradition. Polebridge Press, 2007
- “Taking Up Schleiermacher’s Challenge to the Canon” . In Hans Dierkes, Terrence N. Tice, and Wolfgang Virmond, eds., Schleiermacher, Romanticism, and the Critical Arts: A Festschrift in Honor of Hermann Patsch (Edwin Mellen Press, 2007)
- “Damnable Syllogism” (forthcoming)
- “A Mess of Miracles” Secular Nation (12/2) 2nd Quarter, 2007
- “Brand X Easters” The Fourth R 20/6 (Nov.-Dec. 2007)
- Preface to the new printing of Edward Zeller, The Contents and Origin of the Acts of the Apostles (Wipf & Stock, 2007)
- “Economics of Salvation” Secular Nation (12/3) 3rd Quarter, 2007
- “The Hu-Man’s Burden” Secular Nation (12/4) 4th Quarter. 2007
- “Halloween: A Hell of a Holiday” Secular Nation (12/3) 1st & 2nd Quarters, 2008
- “Footsteps in the Quicksand” in Chas. W. Hedrick, ed., When Faith Meets Reason: Religion Scholars Reflect on their Spirituality(Polebridge, 2008)
- “The Sin of Faith” Secular Nation (13) 3rd & 4th Quarters, 2008
- “Diaspora Judaism, Christianity and Roman Crisis” in Alan J. Avery-Peck and Jacob Neusner, eds., Judaism and Christianity: New Directions for Dialogue and Understanding (E. J. Brill, 2009]
[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”REVIEWS” open=”false”]
Joseph Atwill’s Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh‘s The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception
Margaret Barker’s The Great Angel, A Study of Israel’s Second God
Bruno Bauer’s Christ and the Caesars: The Origin of Christianity from Romanized Greek Culture
Jason David BeDuhn’s Truth in Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament
Craig L. Blomberg’s Contagious Holiness: Jesus’ Meals with Sinners
Scott G. Brown’s Mark’s Other Gospel: Rethinking Morton Smith’s Controversial Discovery
Stephen C. Carlson’s The Gospel Hoax: Morton Smith’s Invention of Secret Mark
Norman Cohn Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith
David L. Dungan’s Constantine’s Bible: Politics and the Making of the New Testament
Bart D. Ehrman’s The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture, The Effect of Early Christological Controversies on the Text of the New Testament
Lena Einhorn’s The Jesus Mystery: Astonishing Clues to the True Identities of Jesus and Paul
Robert Eisenman and Michael Wise (editors) The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered
Robert Eisenman’s James the Brother of Jesus: The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Robert Eisenman’s The New Testament Code: The Cup of the Lord, the Damascus Covenant, and the Blood of Christ
Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy’s The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom
Michael Goulder’s St. Paul versus St. Peter: A Tale of Two Missions
Charles W. Hedrick’s Many Things in Parable: Jesus and his Modern Critics
Yuri Kuchinsky’s The Magdalene Gospel: A Journey Behind the New Testament
Robert Kysar’s Voyages with John: Charting the Fourth Gospel
Candida Moss’s The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom
Hyram Maccoby’s The Myth-Maker, Paul and the Invention of Christianity
Dan Merkur’s The Mystery of Manna: The Psychedelic Sacrament of the Bible
Tryggve N.D. Mettinger The Riddle of Resurrection: “Dying and Rising Gods” in the Ancient Near East
William W. Mountcastle’s The Secret Ministry of Jesus: Pioneer Prophet of Interfaith Dialogue
D.M. Murdock (Acharya S.), Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection
Richard I. Pervo’s Dating Acts: Between the Evangelists and the Apologists
Gregory J. Riley’s Resurrection Reconsidered: Thomas and John in Controversy
Acharya S’s The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold
Rene Salm’s The Myth of Nazareth: The Invented Town of Jesus
Hugh J. Schonfield’s Proclaiming the Messiah: The Life and Letters of Paul of Tarsus, Envoy to the Nations.
Luise Schottroff’s Lydia‘s Impatient Sisters: A Feminist Social History of Early Christianity
Turid Karlsen Seim’s The Double Message: Patterns of Gender in Luke & Acts
Rodney Stark’s The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History
Barbara Thiering’s Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Thomas L. Thompson’s The Messiah Myth: The Near Eastern Roots of Jesus and David
Joseph B. Tyson’s Marcion and Luke-Acts: A Defining Struggle
Robert E. Van Voorst‘s The Ascents of James, History and Theology of a Jewish Christian Community
William O. Walker, Jr. Interpolations In The Pauline Letters
Ibn Warraq (ed.), The Origins of the Koran: Classic Essays on Islam’s Holy Book
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